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The Red Maple tree is a native flowering shade tree in a large part of eastern America that grows from Canada and Maine south to Southern Florida. The Red Maple Tree has leaves that are quite variable in size growing from 2 to 6 inches wide, and three lobes generally, but can occasionally have 5 lobes. In native forest, the Red Maple tree thrives in bottom moist lands such as swamps, but will also grow well in upland soil profiles, apparently unaffected by stresses of acid soils or alkaline soils. Native American Red Maple trees are well adapted for growing in most of the United States of America and can be grown as a timber tree or a shade tree.• As a medium size shade tree, the Red Maple tree can provide a cooling shade during the hottest summers of July and August, and the leaves are light green when they appear in the spring, and the color remains consistent until the beginning of fall and the onset of fall color. The Red Maple tree bark is smooth and light grey in color, but as the tree matures, the trunk will develop furrows in the tree up to 50 feet tall. The Red Maple Tree is a very fast growing shade tree that is covered with brilliant red leaves in the fall.