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Japanese Red Leaf Maple Tree

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Highest Quality Plants at the Lowest Prices

1-2ft tall [$35.75]
2-3ft tall [$46.75]
3-4ft tall [$59.75]
5-6ft tall [$139.75]

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Certain cultivars of Red Leaf Japanese Maples grow red leaves in the spring that maintain the redness, and other clones have red leafs in the spring and fall but briefly during the summer will turn green. The Fall colors of the Japanese Maple leaves are dramatically intense and redder, that can be seen during the regular growing season, and the leaves persist on the trees for long periods.

• For hundred of years the Red Japanese Maple trees have been grown and cultivated in Japan with a focus on bonsai plants or bonsai tree production that are most suitable for growing in small gardens. Many cultivar and variations of leaf form colors and tree height are available either as grafted bonsai trees or seed grown, and because the trees are extremely slow growing, sometimes maturing less than 2 feet in height, they are very expensive. Some cultivar's of Japanese Red Maple trees grow into specimens drastically dwarfed, and others can grow 8 feet or taller and the leaves can be finger like or dissected into feather like elements that are highly colored.

• The best time for planting Japanese bonsai red maple trees is early fall through mid spring.

  • Japanese Red Maple in February
  • Japanese Maple Fall Color
  • Red Japanese Maple Trees

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