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Palm Tree Plant SalesPalm Trees

Palm trees add an element of fun to any environment they’re placed in, and make it feel like a relaxing tropical paradise isn’t too far away. However, finding the right palm tree that will thrive in your home, office, or yard is key. At Ty Ty Nursery, we carry a wide selection of palm trees so it’s easy to find the perfect one for your project. While palm trees may require some maintenance as they shed their fronds, nothing is better at establishing that classic, tropical look.

Dwarf Palmetto Palm Tree Dwarf Palmetto

USDA Zones 6-11

Mule Palm Tree Mule Palm

USDA Zones 8-11

Needle Palm Tree Needle Palm

USDA Zones 5-10

Pindo Palm Tree Pindo Palm

USDA Zones 7-11

Pygmy Date Palm Tree Pygmy Date Palm

USDA Zones 9-11

Washingtonia Palm Tree Washingtonia Palm

USDA Zones 8-11

Windmill Palm Tree Windmill Palm

USDA Zones 6-11

  • Transplant Mature Palm Trees Anytime During the Year
    Ty Ty Nursery can ship mature palm trees to your front door by motor transport truck. Mature Date Palm trees will provide fresh dates to you, and that tropical look will give an evergreen flair throughout the year, if you order the cold hardy palm tree cultivars that are recommended on the Ty Ty Nursery website.
  • Snow Hardy Windmill Palms
    Not only will the Windmill Palm trees survive in Northern States with below zero temperatures during the Winter but they show resistance to ice and snow like no other palm tree. Buy a cold hardy Windmill Palm tree to add a tropical flair pool or patio.
  • Pindo Palm Tree
    The Pindo Palm Tree is cold tolerant to USDA Zone 7. Specimen Pindo Palm Tree can be seen on the University of Georgia campus in Athens, GA. The Pindo Palm produces an edible date fruit used to make jelly, and is also known as the Jelly Palm.