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Mimosa Tree

Mimosa Tree

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Highest Quality Plants at the Lowest Prices

2-3ft tall [$20.75]
3-4ft tall [$29.75]
4-5ft tall [$39.75]
5-6ft tall [$55.75]
6-7ft tall [$84.75]
7-8ft tall [$119.75]
8-9ft tall (This Size May Be Pruned Up To 1/3 Prior to Ship) [$156.75]

Product Description Growing Zones Shipping Information

The Mimosa Tree is an American favorite with unique pink stamen which appear as a cluster of silky threads. Known as the silk in Japanese or the 'night sleeper' in Persian, the Mimosa Tree has fern like leaflets which fold and droop downward when the sun sets. The "Rosea" species sold by TyTy Nursery is native to northern Korea and China and is more cold tolerant than other species of Mimosa. The Mimosa tree often grows to 30-40ft and is glorious when planted near balconies, and begins blooming in Summer, and the tree may re-bloom at intervals.

  • Mimosa Flowering Tree
  • How to Plant a Mimosa Tree

• The blooms of a Mimosa Tree stand out against the dark fern-like leaves, and will grow from Zone 6 to Zone 10.The Flowering Mimosa Tree was introduced into the U.S. from the Orient and is often called the "silk tree. its popularity comes from the delicate fern-like leaflets and gorgeous flowers.

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