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Shagbark Hickory Tree

Shagbark Hickory Tree

Shipping Time:: In Stock Usually Ships Next Day

Highest Quality Plants at the Lowest Prices

1-2ft tall [$16.75]
2-3ft tall [$24.75]
3-4ft tall [$35.75]
4-5ft tall [$47.75]
5-6ft tall [$71.75]
6-7ft tall [$99.75]
7-8ft tall [$129.75]
8-9ft tall (This Size May Be Pruned Up To 1/3 Prior to Ship) [$159.75]

Product Description Growing Zones Shipping Information

The leaves of the Shagbark Hickory Tree have beautiful colors of red, yellow and orange during the Fall season. The Shagbark Hickory Tree grows very large (75-100 ft. tall) with a deep taproot that forces the tree to grow quickly with a tall trunk and a narrow, but irregular, crown and rough, shaggy, light gray bark. The bright gold leaf color of the Shagbark Hickory Tree begins to develop after the first frost. If the hickory nut was easy to crack, it would quickly become the King of Nuts because of its rich flavor and indescribable taste.

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