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Water Hickory Tree

Water Hickory Tree


Shipping Time:: In Stock for Projected 12-9-24 Fall Shipment

Highest Quality Plants at the Lowest Prices

1-2ft tall [$14.75]
2-3ft tall [$21.75]
3-4ft tall [$32.75]
4-5ft tall [$43.75]
5-6ft tall [$65.75]
6-7ft tall [$87.75]
7-8ft tall [$119.75]
8-9ft tall (This Size May Be Pruned Up To 1/3 Prior to Ship) [$149.75]

Product Description Pollination and Growing Zones Shipping Information

The Water Hickory's scientific name, comes from the Greek words (Carya Aquatica)meaning, walnut growing in water. The Water Hickory is a deciduous tree that grows anywhere from 80 to 100 feet tall depending on growing conditions. Water hickory grows best in well-drained and loamy soils; where it tolerates wet, but not continuously saturated sites. This Hickory tree prefers partial shade to full sun.

  • Water Hickory Trees

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