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Color Guard Yucca

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1 Gallon [$30.75]

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The Color Guard Yucca, Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' is brightly variegated with a bright stripe on the leaves, the stripe tending to vary in color as the plant matures. The Color Guard yucca plant is slow growing and spectacular and dramatic in the landscape, but because of its slow growth pattern, most gardeners prefer to grow this yucca plant in containers, even though it can be grown in zone 5.

It's easy to plant a Color Guard Yucca to enjoy the distinctive, wild striping and variegation that runs the entire length of the leaves, and in the mid-center glow in a yellow-creamy coloration. As the thin leaves mature, they descend in an interesting arc pattern.

The Color Guard Yucca forms dramatic clumps with age, and is used to create contrasting textures as a garden accent or container plant. In early Spring the Color Guard Yucca is green with a golden edge but later in the Summer with heavy sunshine and heat the plant turns completely gold. Color Guard Yucca do well in dry soil and are very drought tolerant. The Color Guard Yucca has a rosette of yellow-banded, sword-like leaves topped by tall spikes of fragrant, ivory-white blooms. The Color Guard Yucca is evergreen, enjoys full sun, forms clumps of 3-4 ft. tall and 5 ft. wide.

  • Grow Color Guard Yuccas
  • Color Guard Yucca Plant

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