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Star Jasmine Vine

Star Jasmine Vine
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1 Gallon [$24.75]

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Star Jasmine vines are heavy blooming flowering plants that can climb almost any solid object to anchor the plant with its hold-fast roots. The numerous, white, pinwheel flowers glow brilliantly from spring until fall and the spring air is filled with the enchanting, delicate fragrances that you can enjoy breathing from your unforgotten memories during the wintertime. The Star Jasmine is one of the fastest growing vines, climbing rapidly to the top of 40 foot pine trees and releasing its sweet aromas that float over your landscape in blowing, warm winds.

The Star Jasmine vine is cold hardy down to zero degrees and will grow northwards to New Jersey. Many plantings of Star Jasmine vines are seen to grow rapidly up trees that are located near swimming pools to freshen the summer air or especially to accent spaces near walls or to grow on trees outside bedroom windows. Whether you plant the Star Jasmine on a long chain link fence to break up the monotony of static forms, or to grow on an exterior brick wall, you will find that this fast growing vine will quickly grow into a privacy screen that will block out aggravating street noise and will convert choking automobile fumes into refreshing breathable air.

  • Star Jasmine Vine
  • Evergreen Star Jasmine
  • Flowering Vines at Ty Ty
The Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) vine grows on posts, walls, or trellises and is used as a fast growing, shrubby ground cover. The Star Jasmine vine is covered with very beautiful, waxy, evergreen leaves. This vine is prized for its very fragrant, star shaped white flowers, also called 'star jasmine'. Star Jasmine is often planted next to buildings to absorb sunlight and to save on cooling costs during the summer. This fast spreading vine is green all winter and equipped with hooked tendrils that can quickly cover lattices or climb trees. This vine is cold hardy in zones 8 to 10 and is well adapted to grow in acidic soils.

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