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American Black Walnut Tree

American Black Walnut Tree
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Highest Quality Plants at the Lowest Prices

1-2ft tall [$16.75]
2-3ft tall [$23.75]
3-4ft tall [$35.75]
4-5ft tall [$54.75]
5-6ft tall [$84.75]
6-7ft tall [$119.75]
7-8ft tall [$154.75]

Product Description Growing Zones Shipping Information

The wood-grains of the American Black Walnut Tree are beautiful and durable and very hard. The gnarled wood of the Black Walnut Tree stumps contain gnarled growths that are highly desirable in expensive furniture and has been made into antiques that today that are so pricey that only museums can usually afford them, and these productions are called "Black Walnut Burl". The American Black Walnut Tree is very prolific and in the Fall, large clusters of Black Walnut nuts form and increase in size and then fall to the ground where the walnuts are ready for harvesting. When the hull of the Black Walnut turns brown, or black that means the walnut is mature, cured-out and ready to harvest, but sometimes hurricane winds cause the nuts to fall off the trees prematurely in the green stage and that reduces the quality of the nuts. When Black walnuts fall to the ground, they are covered with a porous husk that can easily be removed either by scraping it off or by boiling the walnut hulls in water that leaves a black fluid that was used by American Colonists for dieing cloth black or as an indelible ink.

  • Nut Tree Sale - Black Walnuts
  • Black Walnut Tree Orchard
  • American Black Walnut Trees

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