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Elizabeth Traub Crinum

Elizabeth Traub Crinum Bulb

Shipping Time:: In Stock for Projected 10-14-24 Fall Shipment

Highest Quality Plants at the Lowest Prices

Small [$27.75]
Bloomer [$54.75]

Product Description Pollination and Growing Zones Shipping Information

The Elizabeth Traub Crinum Lily bulb was named after the wife of Mr. Traub who edited Plant Life for many years. The Elizabeth Traub Crinum Lily bulb is a giant red flowered type that is better in every respect than 'Ellen Bosanquet.' Bouquets of the flowers of the Elizabeth Traub Crinum Lily bulb are a favorite among women.The famous Elizabeth Traub Crinum Lily bulb hybrid has been long established in many National Botanical Gardens. Giant flower beds of Crinum x Elizabeth Traub are salt water tolerant and are used extensively near cottage homes at Sea Island, Georgia. The fragrance and wine color of this crinum lily have been celebrated in landscape gardens many years. The flowers bloom around the Fourth of July holidays in South Georgia and are the most famous members of the term "milk and wine" bulbs.

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