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Saint Christopher Crinum

Saint Christopher Crinum


Shipping Time:: In Stock for Projected 10-14-24 Fall Shipment

Highest Quality Plants at the Lowest Prices

Small [$27.75]

Product Description Pollination and Growing Zones Shipping Information

Ty Ty Nursery has grown and developed new crinum lily hybrid bulbs that can't be found offered for sale anywhere else. This video is a result of early Albany, Georgia, TV commercials that appeared in 1982 on WALB-TV weather reports, offering various rare lilies that were grown and produced at Ty Ty Plantation that were offered for sale in the 1980's . The Saint Christopher lily is a small crinum bulb cultivar, and is sterile for seed production that grows two foot stems that are topped by large, white, cup shaped flowers with the upper petals reflexed backwards. We know of no other Crinum hybrid that is more charming and producing such a pleasant fragrance than this cultivar.

Don't Plant Without These! Need 1 for Each Plant Ordered
Nutra Pro (16-16-16) 1st Year Fertilizer Pack Weed Pro Weed Mat Transplant Mix
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Our Price:

Nutra Pro (16-16-16) 1st Year Fertilizer Pack Weed Pro Weed Mat Transplant Mix