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All-In-One Almond Tree

All-In-One Almond Tree

Shipping Time:: In Stock Usually Ships Next Day

Highest Quality Plants at the Lowest Prices

6-12 inches tall [$32.75]
1-2ft tall [$39.75]
2-3ft tall [$49.75]
3-4ft tall [$64.75]
4-5ft tall [$86.75]
5-6ft tall [$109.75]
6-7ft tall [$141.75]
7-8ft tall (This Size May Be Pruned Up To 1/3 Prior to Ship) [$179.75]

Product Description Growing Zones Shipping Information

All-In-One Almond Trees are a self pollinating almond that requires plus or minus 500 chill hours in order to bear nuts.( That is: 4 weeks of temperatures at or below 45 degrees F.) When growing your Almond Trees, Ty Ty Nursery has always recommended that you prune the trees heavily, and this action increases the survival rate of your Almond Trees. The All-In-One Almond Tree grows to around 15 feet tall, and is the only variety of almond which is completely self-fertile. The almonds are usually harvested when the hulls begin to split and the shells begin to turn brown.

  • How to Plant an Almond Tree
  • Almond Nuts on a Platter

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