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Scarlet Fever Ginger

Scarlet Fever Ginger
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Highest Quality Plants at the Lowest Prices

Individual Bulbs [$18.75]

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A huge group of Scarlet Fever Ginger Lilies with large oval shaped leaves, often with red stripes in the leaves and new cultivars such as "Scarlet fever" with brilliant red stems and striped leaves. These plants prefer some shade and respond rapidly to water and fertilizing. The Scarlet Fever Ginger Lily Flowering Bulb is a spectacular Ginger that is great as a 6 feet tall background plant in shady spots. The flowers of the Scarlet Fever Ginger Lily are large, colorful, and long lasting as a cut flower. The flowers of the Scarlet Fever Ginger Lilies are often called "Hidden Gingers" because the leaves hide the flowers. The tropical stems are brilliant scarlet all season and the foliage is much like that of a Canna.